To satisfy increasing demands of your customers, it’s necessary to launch frequently new products onto the market or to improve them continuously.
Before manufacturing each new or modified product, there’ll be new costs in particular in the field of development and research.
It doesn’t matter if you produce them within your company or if you buy them from external suppliers. In both cases, we are your qualified partner concerning the arising costs.
We’ll calculate for you the unexpected costs arisen during the development stage such as the additional expenses, the necessary project management as well as the corresponding validation, the qualification tests or as well the certifications.
You can be sure that we’ll pay attention to calculating transparently and to assigning clearly the expenses in all development stages.
Not only the development of new products causes a pool of costs but also internal adjustments or customers’ change requests. Thus, we’re prepared to analyse for you all modifications in a comprehensible way and to provide you an optimal cost transparency